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Convert PDF to TIFF using VB Script

In this example, you will see how to convert an existing PDF document to a TIFF image. The principle shown in this example can be used to produce other types of files. It can easily be changed to produce JPEG, PNG, or BMP files.

The idea is that we use the PrintPdf method found in the utility class. This method is available in both the COM and Microsoft.NET assembly. It takes many parameters as you can see from the source code included below.

Before the PrintPdf method is called, the code creates a runonce.ini to control the printer. The settings in the runonce.ini controls the output format, file name, status file, and hides the dialogs. It also applies a sample watermark that shows the current date and time.

Before the print job is created, the old status file and output file are deleted. After the print job, the code will wait for a new status file to determine if the operation was a success or a failure.

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Source Code

Option Explicit

Dim pdfFileName, printerSelection, printToPrinterName
Dim pdfPrinterName, showProgress, bitsPerPixel
Dim documentName, maxResolution, scaleToFit
Dim firstPage, lastPage, timeoutMilliseconds
Dim currentdir, util, fso, settings
Dim printername, statusfile, outFileName
Dim resolution, device

resolution = 300
device = "tiff24nc"

Rem -- Get current path of this script.
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
currentdir = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(".")

Rem -- Create the COM helper object.
Set util = CreateObject("BioPDF.PdfUtil")

Rem -- Create the COM settings object to control the printer.
set settings = CreateObject("biopdf.PdfSettings")

printername = util.DefaultPrinterName
pdfFileName = currentdir & "\test page.pdf"
outFileName = currentdir & "\test page.tiff"

Rem -- Set parameters for the conversion
Rem -- Settings are documented at
statusfile = currentdir & "\status.ini"
settings.PrinterName = printername
settings.SetValue "Output", outFileName

settings.SetValue "Device", device
settings.SetValue "ResX", resolution
settings.SetValue "ResY", resolution
settings.SetValue "TextAlphaBits ", "4"
settings.SetValue "GraphicsAlphaBits ", "4"

settings.SetValue "WatermarkText", Now
settings.SetValue "WatermarkColor", "#FF9900"

settings.SetValue "ShowSettings", "never"
settings.SetValue "ShowPDF", "no"
settings.SetValue "ShowProgress", "no"
settings.SetValue "ShowProgressFinished", "no"
settings.SetValue "ConfirmOverwrite", "no"

settings.SetValue "StatusFile", statusfile
settings.SetValue "StatusFileEncoding", "unicode"

Rem -- Write settings to the runonce.ini to control the next print job.
settings.WriteSettings True

Rem -- Remove old output and status files
if fso.FileExists(outFileName) then fso.DeleteFile(outFileName)
if fso.FileExists(statusfile) then fso.DeleteFile(statusfile)

Rem -- Send the PDF to the printer
printerSelection = "specific"
pdfPrinterName = printername
printToPrinterName = printername
showProgress = False
bitsPerPixel = 24
documentName = "Example"
maxResolution = resolution
scaleToFit = True
firstPage = 0
lastPage = 0
timeoutMilliseconds = 30000
util.PrintPdf pdfFileName, printerSelection, printToPrinterName, _
	pdfPrinterName, showProgress, bitsPerPixel, documentName, _
	maxResolution, scaleToFit, firstPage, lastPage, timeoutMilliseconds

Rem -- Wait for the status file. 
Rem -- The printing has finished when the status file is written.
if util.WaitForFile(statusfile, 30000) then
	wscript.echo "Print job finished."
	wscript.echo "Print job timed out."
end if

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