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PDF Writer Editions

Most business users choose the professional version because of the modern encryption methods.

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Password protect using 40 and 128 bit encryption
Password protect using AES 128 and 256 bit encryption
Sign PDF with digital certificate in a file
Sign PDF with digital certificate from certificate store
Secure wipe of temporary files (3 pass DOD)
Print encrypted PDF documents
FIPS compliant algorithms
Background and Stamping
Use macros to create dynamic text watermarks
Change watermark font
Print on existing PDF as background
Use existing PDF as a stamp
Use different stamps and backgrounds for different pages
High resolution stamps and backgroundsmax 300 dpimax 300 dpi
Vector based stamps and backgrounds
Stamp with EPS for better performance
Merge and Split
Split document to one file per page
Merge print with other PDF document
Append if destination PDF document already exists
Merge print with multiple PDF documents
Document Options
Output formats (PDF, EPS, PS, BMP, PNG, JPEG, PCX, TIFF)
Output formats (DOC)
Embed subset of fonts
Embed all fonts
Linearized PDF documents (fast web view)
Color model control
Optional image compression
High resolution when creating image filesmax 150 dpimax 150 dpimax 600 dpi
Control page rotation
Control PDF Producer and Application property
Installation and Deployment
Offline installation
Multiple PDF Printers with different names
Automated silent installation with visible progress
Automated very silent installation without visible dialogs
MSI package for GPO installation
Support for Terminal Server
Support for RDP
Support for Citrix
Support for non interactive users
Upload document using FTP
Upload document using SFTP
Configuration Options
Multiple languages
Multiple Optionsetsmax 3max 3
Share option sets with other users
Macro valueslimitedlimitedallall
Print to printer
Hide user interface during PDF creation
Run external program on success
Run external program on error
Run external program after conversion
Microsoft.NET Developer API (32 and 64 bit)
COM Automation API (32 and 64 bit)
COM OCX API (32 bit)
VB Script event handlers
Extract text from created PDF
Attach files to the created PDF
Replace user interface with your own executable

These features are only a subset of all the features in the program.
Use the table to see where the main differences are between the product editions.

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